
War in the Middle East.

As far back as Neolithic Jericho, with its walls protecting a relatively wealthy population of settled human beings, who were developing new culture and lifestyles in a built up community with all the artifacts that went with evolution 10,000 years ago, battles have been fought in the Middle East.

Settled life brought about inequalities. Their collection of possessions would have included food stores, specialized polished stone tools (including sickles and hoes), painted pottery, stone and bone carvings, eyed bone needles, bead and shell jewellery, sandals, new animal and plant clothing, reed mats, baskets, pestles and mortars, querns, headdresses, incense, oils etc.

Outside the new towns were Mesolithic nomadic stone age hunter gatherers still roaming vast tracts of wilderness, who started to hear about some of the accumulated possessions in the highly evolved new towns. Raiding became frequent, hence the walls.

There were tribes among the outside nomadic populations who developed the raiding and fighting into the art of warfare, using spears, bows and arrows, poisoned blowpipes, horses- the latest weapons to overcome whoever they chose to raid.

Many Empires and Kingdoms rose and fell in the Fertile Crescent including the Land of Sumer and Akkad, Assyrian Empire, Babylonian Empire, Persian Empire and many others. For thousands of years, as cultures have grown and been replaced, the invading barbarians have retained and developed the art of fighting for territorial and resource gain.

The fighting spread and escalated into perpetual battles between the amalgamating civilizations evolving in and around the Middle East.

This warring culture has today been witnessed all over the world. It seems that Empire building by invading and conquering neighbours has been extremely popular for some time now.

It is a wonder that there has been any peace at all, but that peace has got to be preferable.

Stop_Wars #MiddleEast

Find #PEACE @MiddleEast

The problems of war are being handled by the publication of the UNARMED document (link below), however Iraq is still deteriorating, into a hellish environment, where once the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers supported the famous Fertile Crescent, Mesopotamia.

The problems in Iraq could be solved by the reconstruction of this Paradise ecosystem.

Getting the military involved with the reconstruction, as proposed in the UNARMED document, would provide life support systems, natural resources, jobs, security, happiness and peace, which are sadly lacking from this seriously destroyed ecosystem.

Replacing the Fertile Crescent should be a priority for UNARMED recruits, as this once vast ecosystem was such a precious jewel in the evolution of human civilization, maybe even The Garden of Eden.

There will be remaining fragments of vegetation and animal species scattered and hidden away. All these fragmented ecosystems have the potential to spread and recolonize, with pertinent human involvement. Fragments must be protected and carefully managed, if they are to be the birth places of future ecosystems where man can live in peace.

The large scale desertification of the Planet must stop and be reversed. Recruiting the military to replace the Fertile Crescent, and other once fertile deserts, is a viable proposition with details of the re-greening process in the attached document.

Kiz Zabrowski. Global Paradise Quest 2004….